The IQOO 9T phone is finally coming to India after a long wait. So far, there have been many speculations about the phone. Stopping all that, IQOO has announced when the phone is going to be launched. The company said that this phone will be launched in India on the 2nd of next month. It is the first phone in the Indian market to feature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen+ 1 chipset. According to the company, this phone scored the highest in the AnTuTu benchmark. According to IQOO, this phone scored over 1.1 million. This test score is based on AnTuTu benchmark V9.4.1. This phone is believed to be the rebranded version of the iQOO 10T. Which was launched in China a day ago.
How much is this phone going to cost?
The price of this phone has not been announced by IQOO yet. But it is estimated that the price of the phone in India will be around 55 thousand rupees. Several reports have claimed the same. The phone is going to come in Alpha and Legend colors.
What features will this phone have?
The IQOO 9T is speculated to be the rebranded version of the IQOO 10. If the phone is indeed a rebranded version, then the specifications of both the phones will be the same. The IQOO 10 features a 6.78-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. The resolution of this phone was 2400X1080 pixel. The phone has Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ GEN 1 chipset with 12 GB LPDDR5 RAM and 512UFS 3.1 storage options. The smartphone runs on Android 12 based Origin OS Ocean skin out of the box. The IQOO 10 has a triple camera setup, with the primary camera having a 50-megapixel sensor. This sensor is Samsung GN5 sensor. Besides, the other two cameras have 13-megapixel and 12-megapixel IMX 663 portrait sensors. And for selfies and video calling, this phone has a 16 megapixel camera.